For a few years now, I have partake in a “Meatless Month”. Well, after the first year of trying it, I decided to eat like a pescetarian (almost like a vegetarian, but I eat eggs, dairy, and fish) because I didn’t have the proper balance of protein in my diet.
In 2010, my “meatless month” (or rather no meat with feet) lasted for two months (Oct and Nov) but in 2011, I didn’t do it all. I felt like I didn’t understand diabetes enough nor did understand the plate method or the carb-counting method well enough to focus on the meatlessness of my plates.
It’s a new year. And although it hasn’t been a year since my diagnosis, I felt like I was up for the challenge. But, I decided to start small (only 10 days) after a chat I had with JT on tudiabetes (he’s vegan).
HOW DID IT GO: It went well. I survived and I feel confident. Originally, I thought that I would go beyond 10 days if I felt good after the 10 days. However, I’m going through too many changes right now to continue.
I’m back in the gym and since I haven’t been in the gym since I was diagnosed, it’s a challenge to focus on exercising, working, a proper ADA diet plan, and meatless meals. During the 10 days, I had low blood sugar two days in a row during lunch. I didn’t plan lunch time well, I did plan breakfast and dinner.
THINGS I LEARNED: Each year I do this, I learn something new. This year, I learned that I can stay within 60g of carbs per meal, but meal planning is SUPER important. I also learned that I need not introduce too many new things into my life and right now. For now, I’ll focus on the gym.
I’ll certainly revisit this again later in the year. Here are some pictures of the meals I cooked that stay within 60gs of carbs per meal. Maybe you’ll try it.
Scallions, garlic, and green peppers |
Breakfast: Salmon cakes with grits |
Dinner: veggies, Salmon cakes, northern beans, and rice |
Curry & rice, salmon, corn |
Preparing the fish |
Over fried fish |
Veggie Wrap |
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